These are indicated as 1.0 to 5.0x crops, which take you (for example) from a 24mm field of view up to around a 153mm equivalent, if you have a 24mm lens attached. You can set the maximum and minimum region of the sensor the camera will use, from full-frame all the way down to a 'Full HD' (1920 horizontal pixel) crop.
This provides a series of crops from the sensor to provide a tighter angle of view (effectively digital zoom, if you then view at the same size). One of the main ways the fp L makes use of its high pixel count sensor is with its crop zoom mode. We've not tried it for anything serious yet, but from our limited use so far, it seems to work.

The fp L also has a subject tracking AF system, which works within a 7x7 rectangular grid of focus points. Our initial impressions are positive, with the Sigma detecting eyes even when they're small in the frame. The fp L also offers eye-detection autofocus, to help achieve perfect focus when shooting portraits and social photos. Processed in ACR: WB warmed, exposure, highlights and blacks reduced The fp L is the first Sigma camera to offer eye-detection AF The Sigma fp L we're using is not yet final, but focus certainly seems improved over the original fp model, showing slightly faster and more decisive focusing, especially with smaller AF points (though there is still a little wobble/hunting at times). This technology underpins some of the fastest and most reliable AF systems we've encountered from other manufacturers, but isn't a guarantee of either of these things. As with all phase detection systems, this allows the camera to calculate how out-of-focus it is, and hence how far it needs to drive the focus. The fp L also gains on-sensor phase detection autofocus, which the fp lacked. A kit including the EVF-11 viewfinder will retail for around $2999. The Sigma fp L will be available in mid-April with a list price of $2499. 4K output as up to 12-bit CinemaDNG to SSD, or Raw to external recorder.8-bit UHD 4K/30p video in MOV or CinemaDNG.The EVF-11 connects to the camera's USB and HDMI ports and provides a large, tilting 3.69M dot display.

What's new | How it compares | Body and handling | Initial Impressions | Image quality | Video quality | Samples | SpecificationsĪlongside the fp L (literally and figuratively) Sigma has crafted an add-on viewfinder. The fp L certainly isn't readily comparable to other existing models, but it is the smallest and lightest full-frame interchangeable lens camera on the market. Rather than looking at existing categories of cameras, Sigma says it's aimed to make a user-oriented camera that's designed to be flexible, adaptable and fun to use. It gains a 61MP BSI CMOS sensor, providing a more stills-focused platform than the original fp 24MP L-mount mirrorless camera. The Sigma fp L is a high-resolution development of the company's compact full-frame interchangeable lens camera.