This hasn't happened before, but now when I am importing several short (around a minute or two) videos into Premiere, some of them are trimmed to 9 seconds, and so forth. When I import a long video in Premiere Pro CS6, in time line, the time is shorter than its real time. Well, before cutting to the chase, let's take a look at some user questions at first:
"Not importing full video" is easy to understand, which means the video imported into Adobe software becomes shorter than it actually is. Today in this post we will still put our focus on troubleshooting common Adobe Premiere Pro errors, get into the detail, the error that Premiere Pro not importing full video before editing. Adobe Premiere Pro, as the granddaddy of video editing, is uber-popular among these shutterbugs. So they learn about photography and post-production skills to make their cameraman dream come true. Video nerds are always making their efforts to shoot and create professional-looking movies. If you are searching for an easy solution, click here: The solution most recommended by us 3 Effective Solutions to Video Duration Is Shorter After Importing into Premiere Pro

20, 2023 | Contact Author: Adobe Premiere Pro Shortened Video Length After Import Home > Adobe Troubleshooting > Fix Premiere Pro Not Importing Full Video